The crazy cat lady of Vilnius

There were recent sightings of a crazy cat lady in Vilnius…

Ok, I admit it, that person was me. Just don’t tell anyone, ok?

On our way back to our hostel from the bus station after a sweltering hot bus journey from Trakai I was in need of something to drink. It was at this point just I was about to shrivel up from dehydration I spotted a cafe. But this was no ordinary cafe, this was a cat cafe! All my prayers were answered at once, drinks and cats! What a perfect combination. I made some sort of excited and quite possibly high pitched squeak at Alan and proceeded to jaywalk across the road (not the done thing in Vilnius!). 

There we spent a good hour or so having a well earned drink and playing with the cats in the cafe. Alan managed to get some of them interested in toys on string, ping pong balls and a laser pen. I was quite content to fuss which ever cat came close enough to me wanting some attention.

  Cat cafe 

We also managed to get chatting to the lady who was working there and she told us that the cats in the cafe went from 5 to 4 recently. We were slightly alarmed to hear this fearing what may have become of this unfortunate cat. Luckily though our alarm was short lived as it turns out all the cats in the cafe are rescue cats and are up for rehoming. Cat number 5 had found a new home so that was why the numbers were down. 

Cat cafe

Reluctantly I let Alan drag me away as it was getting late and we needed to start thinking about getting ready to go out for the evening. If you ever are in Vilnius and fit the description of a crazy cat lady, I would highly recommend visiting MURRR Cafe on Pylimo g. 38 to get your cat fix if you are missing your feline friend at home. 

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2 Responses to The crazy cat lady of Vilnius

  1. Helen, I’m having trouble believing you just ‘randomly’ stumbled across this cat cafe!

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